Saturday, 27 October 2012

Weigh In - Week 3

Happy Saturday!

I've lost 3.2lbs this week, which means I've lost 1 stone (14lbs) in the last 3 weeks! Whoop! Very happy about that, I am comfortably under the 20 stone mark, which feels really great as that number always kind of screamed "heart attack" to me. I'm also 6lbs away from my Where Are My Knees 1 stone by Christmas pledge! I imagine my weight loss might slow down a bit now - I am basing my calorie intake on losing 2lbs a week, so, the fact I've lost so much more the last few weeks is a bonus - I'd love to keep up this rate of weight loss, but, I am also being realistic and not putting all my hopes on it.

I went to Norway for two days and got back last night, then had to go off to work this morning. And I was definitely still ill. Every time the icy air hit my lungs it was agony. But, I do feel much better, even if I am exhausted and have a lingering cough. All this holiday-ing, weird sleeping hours and illness has played havoc with my eating - I've been averaging a super unhealthy, cheesy meal a day... But, now I'm feeling better and I actually have the energy to get into my car and drive to the supermarket, I should be back on track. Not to say I haven't been paying close attention to how much I've been eating. That I have been doing and faithfully tracking my food and calories, regardless of what poor food choices they may have been. I am actually really looking forward to eating fruit and vegetables again! Oh and exercising - I think that'll be a while longer as my lungs still hurt, but, looking forward to that too!

On the somewhat depressing side of going on holiday - both of my trips were on budget airlines (EasyJet and RyanAir) and a couple of days before, it suddenly occurred to me that it had been a year since I'd been on a plane (and that was a long haul flight and I feel like their seats would be bigger?), during which time I've put on probably about 2 stone and that I might not actually fit in the seats any more. It was actually pretty uncomfortable - I had a real struggle to do up the seat belts when they were fully extended - the plane on the way back yesterday in particular seemed to be smaller and I broke into a panicky sweat trying to squeeze it over me. I did manage, but, it wasn't particularly pleasant and I never want to be in that situation again. I was a fraction of an inch from having to ask for a belt extender and I think I'd rather run screaming off the plane that have to do that! To be fair, had I done that I'd have lost the weight to fit on the plane pretty fast because food in Norway is crazy expensive...


  1. Ha! I have always hated to have to ask for those seat belt extenders. You have to sit there and wait for them to bring you one. It makes such a big scene.

    1. Ack, it sounds awful! I get panicky just thinking about it! You have to sit on the plane with those people after...gah! x

  2. Keep up the good work! I know wha tyou mean about the seat belt extenders... i have gotten quite close to that too... but now we are all saying goodbye and never again to that opportunity! Glad to hear you are feeling better!

    1. Thank you! :-) So relieved I didn't have to ask about it and looking forward to never having to wonder if they'll fit again! x
