Saturday, 10 August 2013

I'm back!

Hello! I know I've been gone for a long time, but, that doesn't mean I've been completely off the rails. A bit, perhaps! The start of the year was just terrible and it took its toll on my focus. I felt so on edge about everything that the last thing I wanted to do was work hard on myself when I was already working hard in all the other aspects of my life. But, the beginning of the year feels like a long time ago now and I'm in a fairly positive frame of mind now.

I've been doing a juice fast for the last month (well, a tiny bit less than a month) and I've lost a fairly significant amount of weight (I'll let you know how much when I get to the one month mark). It's fairly easy for me to just say no to all food, to do something drastic with very specific rules, taking eating out of the occasion is liberating for me, I find making the right choices when everything is open to me and enduring slow weightloss a lot harder. But, this juice fast has just been a kick start, I wanted to knock off some weight quickly, remove myself from all those bad habits and just make a defined start to my renewed weight loss efforts. It seems to have done the trick, I am excited at the prospect of vegetables and salads and greasy, heavy foods really haven't crossed my mind. We'll see...won't we?

Anyway, I have lots to say, but, I really just wanted to get back into the habit of writing here, I really liked being accountable and focusing my mind on it and I think it helped.

I have lots of plans, lots of exciting things I want to get up to over the next year or so and I want to be as fit, healthy and slim as I can be for them, so I can enjoy them without physical restriction or feeling self-conscious.

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